The very warmest of welcomes to RailForums Scotland - a new, modern and Scotland focused community for all with a connection to or interest in Scotland's Railways.
Whether you're a regular commuter, an occasional rail traveller, a future visitor to Scotland looking for information on travelling around by rail, work in the industry or any other interest in rail here in Scotland this is your community.
We're not going to layout a big set of rules, just ask that you please participate in a courteous and respectful manner to others in our community and keep forum threads broadly on their actual original topic.
All participants in the rail industry are welcome to become active members on this forum, thus we will permit a certain degree of commercial posting, particularly on behalf of preserved railways and railtour operators. However we will not permit blatant spamming of the forum.
Finally I'd like to say a very big thank you to the guys at Scottish Ski website for helping get this forum set up in short order.
Please introduce yourself below.
Whether you're a regular commuter, an occasional rail traveller, a future visitor to Scotland looking for information on travelling around by rail, work in the industry or any other interest in rail here in Scotland this is your community.
We're not going to layout a big set of rules, just ask that you please participate in a courteous and respectful manner to others in our community and keep forum threads broadly on their actual original topic.
All participants in the rail industry are welcome to become active members on this forum, thus we will permit a certain degree of commercial posting, particularly on behalf of preserved railways and railtour operators. However we will not permit blatant spamming of the forum.
Finally I'd like to say a very big thank you to the guys at Scottish Ski website for helping get this forum set up in short order.
Please introduce yourself below.